Travel Recap with Muir Dragonne — Issue #6

Muir Halleron
2 min readApr 25, 2021

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” — Princess Diana

Last Week’s Happenings

It’s been a wonderful week once again! Warm temperatures, sunshine, just the right amount of cool breeze… I did a lot of walking and gardening, taking full advantage of it. I hope you did as well! Please feel free to at mention me on Twitter (@muirdragonne), or post photos of what you got up to on my discord (nothing NSFW of course).

The ducks are out in full force on the duck pond. Don’t forget — if you’re going to feed the ducks, feed them lettuce, peas, rice, and seeds instead of bread. The different foods give them a varied diet and keeps them healthy and happy!

ducks on a pond

Next Week’s Happenings

We started playing Vampyr on Twitch last week. We’ll be starting chapter 3 this week, so please do join us! It’s a really good game and it’s lead to some quite interesting conversations!

We also reached our halfway point to our donation goal for the LGBT Foundation on Friday! As I mentioned last week, I’ll be playing 35MM to celebrate hitting the milestone. I will be officially announcing the date in next week’s newsletter, so keep an eye out for it in your inbox!

Thank you all so much for your support in what I do. Take care!

~ Muir



Muir Halleron

Muir is a travel-minded Content Creator who loves exploring lore & history in games & the real world. He believes in creating ripples of positivity in the world